Updated Timetable for 2023

Happy , Healthy New Year from all of us at the Core Fitness Training Club. Here is our updated timetable. The green is our circuit classes. A great workout in a larger group following a HIIT format. All classes are run at the Chalfonts Community College. we have £12.50 for one class, £40 a month for 4 and £68 for 312 a month. The brown is Pilates. A stretch and relax class with Lucy. Classes are held at the Baptist church. Prices are the same as circuits and the classes can be combined The purple are Small Group PT classes in our studio. Groups of 5. You will get a great workout using all our equipment. Its £92 a month for one class a week. Kids & Teens is our new class starting on Mondays at 4pm in the studio. We will teach your kids how to lift correctly in a safe environment. Drop off and each class is £8. Seniors on a Saturday afternoon is specifically for anyone who is less confident and wants to maintain strength and flexibility. Drop in also for £10 per session. If you see a class that works for you get in touch.

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Happy New Year from core Fitness

Happy New Year 2025

What targets are you setting yourself this year? We can help. Contact us today to talk about how we can help.


Do you want to join us for Tough Mudder 2024?

Tough mudder 2024.

Would you like to join us this year.

Sunday 19th May. Henley on Thames. 11am start

Join team Core Fitness as we aim to complete the circuit as a team.

Everyone welcome

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