Seniors / Over 60s Training
Supervised, Safe, Fun Environment

Get Healthy ~ Feel Strong ~ Improve Balance ~ Feel Great

Where can you come and exercise in a gym environment with people of a similar age?

We understand your struggles:

Experience Real Change!

Our seniors specific sessions offer:

See Real Results, Fast!

We Believe

That you can be healthy even if you're...

Our Seniors Sessions:

First Class Free

Come and try our senior specific workouts and feel great.

All our sessions are run from our private personal training studio in the village.

Come and join our Core Fitness seniors workout on a Saturday in Chalfont St Peter. Our sessions are pre planned and guided by Francois, our experienced personal trainer.

The session is every Wednesday & Saturday, held from our studio in the village.

The main aim of the session is to train safely with others of a similar age. 

We will teach you a range of movements that will help you in your everyday life.

You will feel stronger, more flexible and have more energy. 

The session is drop in and starts at 2:30pm on Wednesday & 3pm on Saturday. The session lasts between 45 – 60 minutes.

Pay as you go – £12.00 per class

Core Fitness Training Club

Located in our private training studio in the village. 6 Market Place.

Ready to take the next step?

Bespoke Progam

We create a training program that is built around our expertise and you're desired goals. We can also help you train around injuries and set timeframes.


Group training provides you with an instant network of training partners to encourage you when the going gets tough.

Support & Guidance

We offer expert guidance every step of the way to achieving your goals. We have a caring and dedicated team of experts to make sure you work hard in a safe and fun environment.

Lasting Results

Transform your body, improve your health, gain confidence and feel great.

How To Get Started

Step 1

Book your free intro call

Step 2

Make a plan with one of our coaches

Step 3

Start training and see results

What Our Clients Are Saying...



Class Times:

Core Fitness Training Club

Located in our private training studio in the village. 6 Market Place.

Choose your membership below:
No joining fees ~ No contracts ~ 30 day rolling memberships

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